Many of you have asked when I was going to update our blog and honestly I didn't even think twice about it! It's not that I don't want to share stories and pictures of my baby, but more that I'm still trying to adjust to balancing life and taking care of him. For those of you who didn't know (due to my laziness in keeping my blog updated), Beckett Hayden Brown was born March 17th, 2009 at 7:28am. He was 8 pounds 6 ounces and 20.5 inches long. I could write how amazing and beautiful labor was and how I anxiously waited for my bundle of joy to magically pop out, but I would be lying through my teeth! It was a LONG labor (approximately 38 hours) and for the first 24 hours I went drug free (w
ith back labor!!). After 24 hours things were still not progressing and inducing with pitocin was encouraged by EVERYONE. Needless to say, I love epidurals now and don't fault anyone who wants to head straight to the anesthesiologist following check in! Beckett has grown quite fast and I can't keep up with how big he's getting! The following posts will prove just how different he looked from birth up until now (approximately 2 1/2 months old). Enjoy the visual journey!
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